Hello All,
The book is now truly in the final stage. The acknowledgement and the About The Author sections were completed. The final version is in the capable hands of Parisa Zolfaghari who is incorporating the chapter art, special first sentence fonts, and the world map into the different e-book formats. We're still targeting the final files to be ready for the Nov 20th launch on Kindle (and other formats!). Magic plays a vital role in the World of Thran, and it is as mysterious as it is powerful. Civilized creatures typically speak the common tongue, understood by all but the most remote and simple denizens. However, magic has it's own language in the the World of Thran, and can only be understood or spoken by those who have been trained or gifted the ability. I could have taken the time to create a new language with an alphabet, syntax, present tense and past tense, and the whole nine yards, but that seemed unnecessary when we already have so many languages here on Earth to choose from. I wanted a language that had a great rhythm and flow to it, and eventually settled on Italian. Still a modern day language, but one that is a little less known, and it has a great flow to it. Initially I tried to use a common "online translating" tool to give me the syntax of the spells in Italian, but I noticed that when I plugged the Italian version into the tool it translated into a very messy, if not garbled English translation. You can imagine my anxiety, worrying if the English translation to the Web spell being cast was: "My foot is on fire". Yeah, not good. So what does all this have to do with the price of chickens? Well... The writing of Thran Book I: The Birth has brought a lot of old friends back into my life and even at this late stage, it did it again. Lilia Pino Blouin is a renowned interpreter (and translator!) that has worked with high level dignitaries and famous actors and directors all around the world. I met Lilia back in our high school days when she stayed with my family as an AFS student from...where else? Italy! So I reached out to her to see if she could help me with the proper translation of the spells from English to Italian. Being the generous person that she is, she graciously jumped right in and tackled the translations in no time flat! With the major focus and impact spells have on the story, Lilia's assistance and expertise has ensured that the spells will help elevate the story rather than serve as a sore, and obvious, distraction. Thank you so much Lilia! Brian McLaughlin Comments are closed.